Salam Alaikum

BismillÃh HirRohmaanir Rohimm

Kata Hikmah AM

~~~... aku BERANI kerana BENAR, lalu aku tidak GENTAR. aku bukan JEBAT, dan aku bukanlah juga TUAH. tetapi, aku adalah hamba doif yang bergelar KHALIFAH di muka bumi ALLAH ...~~~

biar orang hina diri kita tapi jangan kita hina diri sendiri, biar orang lukakan hati kita, jangan kita sesekali melukai diri sendiri, kita berhak atas diri kita sesungguhnya air mata itu adalah penyampai perasaan dan luahan jiwa..

yA AllAh, ApAbIlA ENGKAU mEmAnggIlkU, AmbIlAh AkU dAlAm kEAdAAn KhUsnUl KhOtImAh dAn sEmpAtkAnlAh AkU mEngUcApkAn kAlImAt "LA ILAHA ILLALLAH"

Ahli Jemaah

Network Blogger

Demi Masa

Dengan Nama Allah Yang Maha Pemurah Dan Penyayang

Demi Masa! Sesungguhnya manusia itu dalam kerugian, Kecuali orang-orang yang beriman dan beramal soleh, dan mereka pula berpesan-pesan dengan kebenaran serta berpesan-pesan dengan sabar.

Segala hakcipta milik Allah S.W.T. Jika difikirkan perlu copy dan sebar, silakan. Tak perlu minta izin.

There’s No Copyright In Islam

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Umma United

Umma United is a social network dedicated to users with an interest in religion and Muslim culture. Umma United lets you express yourself, share information, exchange and meet while continuing to respect differences.

It is Umma United’s goal to build a strong on-line community for Muslims and people all over the world with an interest in Islamic culture, and to become a community and forum for interaction and dialogue.

We feel that Muslims must have their own online social network champion and that this tool must answer their specific needs:

stay in contact with the community through contact management
discuss, chat, get to know each other through discussion groups or virtual world
find a soul mate via a match making agency
facilitate job seeking and accommodation hunting thanks to classified ads allowing people to post job offers etc.
share experiences – blogs, travel blogs, sharing videos, etc…
promote events, activities, family reunions
access to community services, find for example a halal restaurant, travel agency, the closest mosque (with maps and directions)
learn other opinions on the latest film or TV show or books…

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